Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Holding On

"Raising kids is like hanging on to a wet bar of soap. Squeeze to tight and they fly away. Hang on to loosely and they fall away."

Randy Carpenter, OH

Bug Bites

My girls get terrible welts when bitten by mosquitoes and other bugs. I found that vinegar works great to clear up the bite. I have found it works best if used within 30 minutes of being bitten. Put vinegar on a cotton ball and rub on the bite. Within 30 minutes there is no sign of the bite - no itch - nothing.

To prevent bugs from biting - listerine! Yes, this really works. I dilute it 50/50 with water and put it into a small spray bottle. Spray it all over before you dress the kids and rub it in. Works for hours.

Mosquito repellent for the yard. Garlic. I use a pellet from AG Organics called Dr T's Mosquito repelling granules. It is a natural mix of ingredients and works for about 3 - 4 weeks. Make sure rain is not expected for 24 hours after spreading on the yard.

Saturday, August 1, 2009


Honey is used all over the world for many ailments. The darker the honey, the wider the variety of flowers used in the creation. Here is a short list of uses:

Antibiotic - taken internally it is a natural antibiotic boosting your immune system
Antibiotic - put on cuts and scrapes, it helps heal much faster with less scarring
Cough Suppressant - hot tea with a t. of honey and a t. of lemon is a natural cough suppressant
Sleep Aid - honey has been known, if taken 30 minute before bed to help relax and ease into sleep.
Anticeptic - put on burns it naturally soothes as it aids in healing
Facial Scrub - honey mixed with ground almonds is a wonderful facial scrub
Acne - honey helps heal acne
Dry skin - it is a great lotion for dry patches of skin. Mix 1 teaspoon of honey with 1 teaspoon of olive oil and a 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply to hands, elbows, heels of your foot, etc., and wash off after 15 minutes. Fast relieving.
Digestive - For stomach ulcers, gastritis, dyspepsia, etc, 1-2 teaspoons on an empty stomach (½ hour before meals), 1-4 times a day to assist in healing and provide pain relief.

Honey precaution with children under 18 months:

Friday, July 31, 2009


Clove Oil is a wonderful natural numbing agent. I purchased a 2oz bottle when my first child began teething and had 1/2 a bottle left after my second child finished.

Usage: put finger over top of open bottle, tip bottle back and forth so that the oil lightly coats your finger and rub along gumline where needed. Numbs the area for 60 - 90 minutes. Use sparingly.

Depression in Teens

My youngest daughter was diagnosed with depression after her father died. I took her to a psychologist who promptly said she needed drugs.... yes, on the first visit... within the first 10 minutes. I had done my research and knew the stats - "The FDA has determined that antidepressant medications increase the risk of suicidal thinking and behavior in children and adolescents with depression and other psychiatric disorders..." so why would I make this choice for my daughter?

Instead, I searched the web and found several places where a change of diet and an addition of specific herbs helped. Please note - not all of these are good for teens, you must read up on each and determine the best solution for your family.

I took away all processed foods, all refined sugars, all fast food and replaced with as many fruits and vegetables as I could. I also regulated fatty foods and breads. In addition she started a multi-vitamin for teens, omega 3-6-9 daily, and 60mg of gingko. And finally, a daily exercise routine - no less than 30 minutes of sustained daily exercise.

Please remember, this is what worked best for my daughter. Every child is different. We had to experiment with the treatment over a couple week timeframe. But in the end, you could tell a MARKED improvement in her behavior after only three days. And if she missed a day... it was VERY obvious. This isn't a short term fix. She has been on this for 4+ years and can still slide backwards.